Sunday, 24 February 2013

Pebble and Gingerbread Arithmetic Redux

Pebble and Gingerbread Arithmetic Redux
            In this essay I will present an exposition of John Stuart Mill’s account of arithmetic as found in book two (section VI) of System of Logic, followed by an analysis of Gottlob Frege’s arguments against Mill’s position found in The Foundations of Arithmetic. I will initially elucidate Mill’s account of arithmetic and reveal it to consist of the propositions a) mathematical statements are reliable by virtue of their acquisition from inner consciousness or sense-experience that hold true of the task of revision, and meaningful by their consequent application within a context; b) proving mathematical statement a involves providing the necessary empirical basis for stating a as valid; and c) mathematics is a subset of the deductive sciences, which itself exists as a subset of the inductive sciences. I will then provide an account of Frege’s direct responses to Mill’s account (the three claims stated above) and show that Mill’s so-called ‘pebble and gingerbread arithmetic’ fails in Frege’s eye to do justice to the objectivity of number; Frege will argue that: a) Mill’s account lacks implimentability and cohesiveness, b) Its unlikely that the laws of arithmetic are contingent of whether certain empirical facts obtain or not, namely a fact pertaining to one’s psychological capacity, and c) Mill disregards the logical necessity underlying number and instead focuses on the application of said statements in the empirical realm.
            Mill begins his discussion in section VI with a recapitulation of claims made in the previous chapter concerning the nature of ratiocination in the demonstrative sciences; while Mill acknowledges that ‘the results from these sciences are indeed necessary’ (164 Mill), he claims that they are only necessary insofar as the axioms that guarantee their certainty obtain, or are at least considered to be undeniable by virtue of ‘superabundant or obvious evidence’. (166) This view departs, Mill claims, from the view that axioms are somehow superior in relation to objectivity than other instances of ratiocination; while the indubitably of first principles might lead one to conclude they arise from ‘evidence independent of and superior to observation and experience’ (165), Mill argues that axioms are ‘but a universal class of inductions from experience; the simples and easiest cases of generalisations from the facts furnished to us by our senses or internal consciousness’. (166) The conclusion that naturally arises from this according to Mill is that the deductive sciences are in some sense always inductive; they are formed by virtue of an inference drawn from evidence and are therefore always hypothetical in some fundamental sense. However, Mill is wary to proclaim this true of all deductive sciences in one fell swoop and therefore decides to test his claim against what he calls ‘the most remarkable of all sciences’ (166): the science of numbers.
            Mill carries out his discussion on the science of number by first presenting two doctrines he claims attempt to provide an accurate account of the nature of number and arithmetic, and secondly by making his theory of the nature of number explicit by elucidating it in relation to what he perceives as the shortcomings of the aforementioned doctrines.  The first of these doctrines is the one held by ‘a priori’ philosophers, who Mill claims argue that the certainty present in mathematics is due to the objective a priori existence of the essential truths of number; something that would, as stated above, consist of ‘evidence independent of and superior to observation and experience’. (165)[1] The second view is one in which, according to Mill, arithmetic is seen as ‘merely verbal, and its propositions as simple transformations of language’. (166) This view, Mill argues, conceives of arithmetic as the transmogrification of any statement a into a more complex set of symbols that retain the initial meaning of a; mathematics as mere symbol manipulation.
            Mill is quick to highlight what he perceives as two shortcomings of the linguistic account of number: a) the linguistic account does not account for ampliative claims, and b) it does not consider the meaning that mathematical symbols stand for. In regards to the first issue, Mill argues that the fatal problem with the linguistic account is that it views mathematics as a simple reformulation of propositions already known into more robust formal language. This is simply false, Mill argues, insofar as mathematical processes can provide one with new information; how could it simply be a transmogrification if a theorem brings about a new product? The first objection is interwoven with the second insofar as the notion of new information arising out of a mathematical formulae is incompatible with that of mathematics a purely symbol oriented; is the new symbol in itself the new information- is a symbol ever revelatory in-itself? Mill argues that mathematics is not merely manipulating symbols, but an inference driven activity based on evidence and axioms held to be necessary; given certain axioms taken to be necessary and the initial conditions of a problem, one carries ‘a real induction, a real inference of facts from facts’ and draws the necessary conclusions. (167)
            While Mill argues against the notion of arithmetic as mere symbol manipulation, he claims to understand why such a confusion would arise naturally out of the seemingly obscure nature of mathematics; while propositions in geometry carry with them intuitions insofar as they can be conceived of spatially (one can conceive of the lines AB and AC), the notions of algebra strike many as empty due to the abstract symbols used (a, b, c) and the lack of content they seem to possess. Mill builds on this by arguing that: a) numbers only have meaning in relation to their existence within a context (no abstract numbers exist), and b) that while mathematics is concerned with all things numerable, algebra is concerned with the form of all mathematical statements at large; making the proposition a simply an instance of all possible number. This does not entail meaningless symbol manipulation, but instead a meaningful ratiocination from number that arises contextually (ten teeth, ten bodies), to the notion of number as applying to all things (everything is numerable), to a search for statements that are true of all number; statements like ‘equals added to equals make equals’ and ‘equals taken from equals leave equals’. (169) It is clear according to Mill, that these inductive truths are not true of symbols, but only of mathematical propositions/thoughts.
            Mill continues by assessing another attraction of the idea that statements of algebra are merely verbal; ‘when considered as propositions respecting things, (the propositions of arithmetic and algebra) all have the appearance of being identical propositions’. (168) Mill uses the example ‘two pebbles and one pebble are equal to three pebbles’ to communicate and instance of this assumption. Mill argues that while the linguistic account would characterise these as equivalent statements, this idea does not appear to pass the test when one considers the distinction between connotation and denotation. While the statements refer to the same collection of objects (their denotation), they bear a different connotation (or sense); they express different meanings insofar as they ‘do not make the same impression on our senses’. (168) This is important for Mill insofar as facts do not arise out of definitions, but instead definitions arise out of an aggregate of facts. He illustrates this thought by drawing an example from geometry; the definition of a circle as ‘a figure bounded by a line which has all its points equally distant from a point within it’ does not, Mill argues, create a new symbol, but instead holds true of an object once held to be true of experience. This account is another instance of Mill’s assumption that all arithmetical propositions have as their basis sense experience, and even pushes Mill to state further that this fact is obvious by virtue of its use in ‘all the improved methods of teaching arithmetic to children’. (169)
            Mill moves on to what he claims is the assumption that is commonly held to be the securest amongst all mathematical ‘truths’; namely that ‘all the numbers are numbers of the same or of equal units’; simply that 1=1. (170) Mill claims even this tenant of mathematics is built on fragile empirical grounds; for is it the case that in actuality, ‘while it is certain that 1 is always equal in number to 1’, that the objects that serve as the empirical foundation for these numbers are numerically identical? (170) Mill argues that, while it may be assumed that one bag of flour is equivalent to another, this is a hypothetical assumption made for pragmatic reasons and thus casts a light of contingency on what is commonly hailed as the most certain of all axioms.
            Mill claims that, insofar as he has shown these facts to obtain, arithmetic is revealed to be no different than the demonstrative sciences insofar as arithmetic is also inherently inductive and hypothetical; its axioms arise either out of an aggregate of observational instances or pragmatic choices, and mathematical propositions themselves are empirically laden insofar as number finds its basis and validity within an empirical context. Therefore Mill’s view of mathematics can be reduced in some sense into three basic propositions: a) mathematical statements are reliable by virtue of their acquisition from inner consciousness or sense-experience that hold true of the task of revision, and meaningful by their consequent application within a context; b) proving mathematical statement a involves providing the necessary empirical basis for stating a as valid; and c) mathematics is a subset of the deductive sciences, which itself exists as a subset of the inductive sciences.
            Mill enters Frege’s The Foundations of Arithmetic as a philosopher who is relevant in regards to the question: ‘(a)re mathematical formulae provable?’. (Frege 5) After considering the attempts of Kant and Leibniz to provide such a proof and concluding their answers insufficient, Frege looks to Mill’s account of the empirical basis of proof as potentially satisfying answer to this question. Frege begins by stating that, while Mill might be on the right track by basing the science of number on definitions, ‘this spark of sound sense is soon extinguished thanks to his preconception that all knowledge is empirical’. (9) In response to Mill’s claim that the definitions of number secure the meaning of a term while also asserting an observed matter of fact, Frege argues that some numbers would be meaningless by virtue of this definition insofar as there is no conceivable instance in which a fact would represent them. Frege demonstrates this argument simply by asking: ‘what in the world can be the observed physical fact which is asserted by the definition of the number 777,864?’ (9)
            Frege then moves on to what he claims is Mill’s proof for the number 3: ‘a collection of objects exists, which while they impress the sense thus, ...  , maybe be separated into two parts, thus, .. . ’. (9) While Frege jokingly states his gratitude at the fact that all objects in the world are not nailed down, as 2+1 would not be provable, he states further: ‘what a pity Mill did not illustrate the physical facts underlying the numbers 0 and 1’. (9) Frege is arguing once again that by Mill’s notion of the definition of number, certain numbers seem to lose their meaning; the tacit premise is that it is not clear as to how or what physical fact could provide a satisfactory empirical basis for the mathematical propositions 0 and 1. Frege argues further that common instances of the use 3 would not be justified by the notion of three as the parcel: ... . For, Frege asks: is it correct to speak of ‘three strokes when the clock strikes three’ or ‘sweet, sour, and bitter as three sensations’ if they do not impress the senses thus: ... ? (9) While Frege’s major issue with Mill’s account at this juncture is the claim that all statements of number are reducible to conceiving of a way in which said number would appear to the senses, this issue grows when Frege asks, concerning the proposition 999,999+1, what physical fact could allow one to conclude the product is 1,000,000? Frege argues that by Mill’s definition ‘a fact should be observed for each number’, thus making it taxing to add 999,999 and 1 insofar as one would first have to provide all the facts for the numbers leading up from 1 to 999,999, and then recapitulate that exposition to show all of those facts remain intact once adding the fact that represents 1. (10)
            Frege proceeds to tackle what he believes to be the underlying assumption guiding Mill’s work concerning arithmetic, namely that arithmetic exists solely by virtue of experience. Frege argues that this concern does not take into account the truth of arithmetic and only considers the psychologistic element; Frege finds it absurd to state that truth is contingent on whether there exist beings such that they can observe it. For instance, Frege asks what would be the state of arithmetic if human beings could not make distinctions between things by virtue of the senses; is it reasonable to say the truth of arithmetic is contingent on whether one does or does not have such a capacity? Frege states that ‘the question of truth’ remains untouched by Mill’s empiricist notion of arithmetic.
            In an effort to further assess Mill’s view of arithmetic, Frege moves away from the question of whether statements of number are provable, and instead asks more generally: ‘are the laws of arithmetic’, as Mill claims, ‘inductive truths’? (12) Frege proceeds to take what Mill calls an inductive truth the highest order, namely that ‘the sums of equals are equals’ and ask: what makes such a law inductive? Frege claims that Mill fails to see the necessity of such propositions due to the fact that he ‘attributes to them a sense which they do not bear’; when focusing on the above mentioned assertion by Mill that 1=1 could be false if the facts that underlie 1 and 1 are not numerically identical, Frege simply states that the ‘proposition 1=1 is not intended in the least to state that it (would)’. (13) Frege makes a crucial point when stating that Mill is confused by the distinction between ‘the applications that can be made of an arithmetical proposition, which often are physical and do presuppose certain observed facts, with the pure mathematical proposition itself’. (13) There’s a sense in which, for Frege, the relevant concern in this instance is one of a logical nature and not empirical applicability; in the same way that Frege argues the meaning of ‘+’ may have applications in the physical world in sense of representing ‘heaps or aggregates’ but ultimately retains a logical identity in-itself, the proposition ‘1=1’ possesses a logical sense that is not contingent on whether two bags of flour are numerically equivalent. (13) This leads Frege to conclude that addition cannot be a law of nature insofar as its logical identity is not determined by whether certain physical facts obtain or not.
            In conclusion, while Frege repeatedly features Mill’s account throughout the remainder of The Foundations of Arithmetic, it would be fair to say that my account thus far illustrates Frege’s direct arguments against Mill’s account of arithmetic. Frege responds to the claim that mathematical statements are reliable by virtue of their acquisition from inner consciousness or sense-experience by arguing that Mill’s account lacks implementability and cohesiveness; certain numbers are either omitted from Mill’s notion either by their being too taxing to prove empirically, or are altogether left out insofar as no physical facts could conceivably correspond to them (0 and 1). Frege argues against Mill’s claim that proving mathematical statement a involves providing the necessary empirical basis for stating a as valid, by arguing that it is unlikely that the truth of the laws of arithmetic are contingent on the psychological capacity of human beings to conceive of them. Frege’s most crucial argument against Mill, however, is concerned with Mill’s purported confusion between the applications of mathematical statements and their intrinsic logical sense; while Mill holds that the statement 1=1 could be wrong pending on its validity in relation to an observed physical fact, Frege argues that Mill is blind to the idea that there is a strict logical sense in which 1=1 obtains its meaning, and that this sense supersedes all the empirical accidents that would make it otherwise.
Work Cited:
            Frege, Gottlob. The foundations of arithmetic; a logico-mathematical enquiry into the concept of number.. 2d rev. ed. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1980. Print.
            Mill, John Stuart. A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. 8th ed. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1900. Print.

[1] It should be noted that Mill uses this second ‘linguistic’ account as the basis of much of his exposition and not the ‘a priori’ account; Mill states early in the chapter that those championing an a priori account have ‘the burden of proof’ by virtue of his thorough examination of their positions in chapters prior. (166)

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