Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Syntax and Semantics: The Future as a Way Out of the Chinese Room

Syntax and Semantics:
The Future as a Way Out of the Chinese Room

            In this essay I will provide an analysis of John Searle’s ‘Chinese Room Argument’ (CRA), unpack two notable replies the argument has faced, and provide my own reply. My analysis will show that Searle intends the argument to be a knockdown argument against what he calls ‘strong AI’ insofar as mere symbol manipulation is not sufficient for understanding. I will feature as objections to the CRA the ‘robot reply’ and the ‘combination reply’; both of which are raised by Searle in his 1980 article Minds, Brains, and Programs. I will conclude the paper by considering the question of whether syntax is sufficient for semantics, and argue that a program could fulfill the sufficient conditions of understanding purely by virtue of syntax insofar as the form of understanding could be seen as a complex but implementable logical form.
            John Searle begins Minds, Bodies, and Programs by asking what philosophical significance ‘recent efforts at computer simulations of human cognitive capacities’ possess; how do these efforts stand in relation to the concerns of the philosophy of mind? (Haugeland 183) In order to properly assess this question, Searle makes a distinction between what he calls ‘strong’ AI and ‘weak’ AI. While ‘weak’ AI, Searle claims, is the position that computers serve as ‘very powerful tool(s)’ for approaching the study of the human mind, ‘strong’ AI is the position that computers are not simply tools, but, given the right program, ‘can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states’. (183) While Searle claims to not have qualms with the weak position, he does take issue with the strong position insofar as it claims computers have cognitive capacity and that the programs that instantiate these are explanations of human cognition; Searle’s arguments will only address the ‘strong’ AI thesis.
            In an effort to show that his argument is not a sophisticated straw-man argument, Searle provides real examples of what he claims are instantiations of the ‘strong’ AI mentality in the work of Roger Schank of Yale University. Searle describes the goal of Schank’s program as being an attempt to ‘simulate the human ability to understand stories’. (183-184) Schank attempts to bring this goal to fruition by creating a program that, given a story, can provide, as a human would, a yes or no answer to a question posed about that story. In the same way one would orate a story to a human being and then ask him or her questions to which they would give appropriate responses, Schank hopes to provide the computer with a ‘representation’ of the information a human being would have. The computer would then ‘print out answers of the sort that we would expect human beings to give if told similar stories’. (184) Searle posits that the proponents of ‘strong’ AI hold these two claims to be true:
a)      The machine can be literally be said to understand the story and provide answers to questions; and
b)      What the machine and its program do explains the human ability to understand the story and answer questions about it. (184)

Searle hopes to demonstrate by virtue of a ‘Gedenkenexperiment’[1] that Schank’s position, which is illustrated by the two claims stated above, is not in fact supported by his experiments.  Searle will attempt to show that even he, under the very conditions Schank condemns his computers to, would not understand the story; thus enters the CRA.
Searle begins the though-experiment by asking the reader to imagine Searle himself locked up in a room. Searle is given three ‘batches’ which consist of: 1st batch: a set of Chinese letters; 2nd batch: more Chinese letters and rules written in English that serve to ‘correlate one set of formal symbols with another set of formal symbols’; and the 3rd : another set of rules about how to match symbols from the final batch the 2nd  batch. (185)  Searle then wants the reader to imagine that the people giving him these batches are calling the first batch ‘script’, the second batch ‘story’, and the third batch ‘questions’. Furthermore, when Searle gives symbols back they call these ‘answers to the questions’.  Eventually Searle becomes quite the adept symbol manipulator and the people outside the Chinese Room begin to assume that he understands Chinese. However, Searle knows that he doesn’t understand a word of Chinese; Searle might understand the rules in English, but in terms of the Chinese letters all he does is manipulate symbols he doesn’t understand: he is merely computing; ‘I am an instantiation of a computer program’. (186)
Searle uses the thought experiment as the basis for his criticisms of the two main assumptions Schank’s work possesses. In regards to the first assumption that a computer literally understands a story, Searle claims that it’s clear from the thought experiment that he does not have an understanding of the Chinese story. Does it not logically follow, he then argues, that the computer ‘for the same reasons, understands nothing of any stories, whether in Chinese, English, or whatever’? (186) Insofar as a human being would not understand the story if he was in the same position as the computer, how could one argue that the computer would have this power? To the second point, namely that a computer explains human programming insofar its program consists of the fundamental basis of such understanding, Searle argues that this is simply false; how could one argue that what the computer exhibits is a sufficient condition of understanding when there is no understanding and the computer is fully operational? Programs, if they are defined as Searle claims ‘computational operations on purely formally-defined elements’, seem to lack what Searle calls understanding; one needs to possess semantics for understanding, while a computer program is purely syntactical. If this is the case, Searle argues that ‘strong’ AI is in trouble insofar as its goal was to recreate intelligence by simulating it within a program; even if a friend of ‘strong’ AI was to respond that understanding could be added to the structure of the machine, ‘strong’ AI would still be untenable because it assumed a program, or computation, could be sufficient for understanding. Therefore, Searle hopes to have defused Schank’s ‘strong’ AI project of crafting a mimesis of ‘understanding’ purely syntactically.
A key aspect of Searle’s account is his notion, or at least Schank’s misguided notion, of understanding. Searle argues that people often misuse the word ‘understanding’ by applying it to things where it does not apply; one may say that ‘the door knows when to open because of its photoelectric bell’ when it is clear that the door does not ‘know’ in the sense one would say a human ‘knows’. (188)  Searle claims that this happens when human beings ‘extend (their) own intentionality’ to artefacts. What does Searle mean by intentionality? Intentionality, Searle claims, is the way in which mental states are ‘directed at or about objects and states- of affairs in the world’. (204) Searle is claiming that ‘understanding’ presupposes intentionality, and unfortunately for ‘strong’ AI, programs do not have intentionality; the way in which one would say a computer ‘understands rules’ does not correspond to what Searle means by ‘understanding English’. (188)
            The two objections I’ve chosen to present in this paper are also presented by Searle in Mind, Brains, and Programs. I’ve chosen to present them and not the other criticisms found in said paper specifically because I think they will help me elucidate my critique optimally in the third part of this essay. The first objection, the ‘robot reply’, concedes that while a program is itself not sufficient for having the complex propositional attitudes that organisms have, a robot could be built that would somehow possess a specialised syntax, as well as a camera attached to it that would complement its syntax with representational content. Proponents of the ‘robot reply’ claim that this robot would in fact mimic human understanding. It should be clear that this is not quite a direct response to the Chinese argument; Searle does not argue with the CRA that this is impossible. However, the view does give tangible support to the notion that technology could have a place in the philosophy of the mind insofar as a cognitive process could conceivably be mimicked. Jerry Fodor, a supporter of the ‘robot reply’ claims that there is no principled reason to why specialised syntax or representational content ‘can only be true of organic systems’. (Lafave)
            The second reply I’ve chosen is the ‘combination reply’. This objection is called the ‘combination reply’ because it combines the key elements of two previous critiques, the ‘robot reply’ and the ‘brain simulator reply’, into one; one is to imagine a ‘brain shaped computer lodged in its cranial cavity’, where that computer mimics ‘all the synapses of a human brain’. (195 Haugeland)  Furthermore, the computer would exist within a robot that would mimic human behavior such that it was indistinguishable from a human being. The conclusion of this reply is that one would have to ‘ascribe intentionality to the system’. (195) While this objection is not levelled directly at the CRA, and in fact assumes that Searle has demonstrated computation is not sufficient for understanding, the reply reiterates the simple conjecture that technology can be deeply interconnected with the philosophy of the mind; building a computer with such characteristics would either presuppose knowledge of the nature of our organism’s cognitive capabilities, or would in some way contribute to knowledge of such cognitive capacities by virtue of a significant reconceptualization of its structure. If anything, eliminating ‘strong’ AI leaves room for ‘weak’ AI to flourish; if AI is, as the ‘weak’ AI thesis claims, a tool, then it seems like if one eliminates unfounded assumptions about the limitations of said tool, namely those assumed by ‘strong’ AI’, then one can open AI up to many new possibilities. One of those very possibilities could be the computer/robot featured in the ‘combination reply’ itself.   
            My reply to the CRA is in fact not much like the ones I’ve stated above; I am not going to argue that a robotic apparatus and a brain-like computer could conceivably be sufficient for ‘understanding’. However, it does share some semblance with the views insofar as it attempts to push AI towards a place where it could produce ‘intentionality’ or ‘understanding’. I also agree with the previous replies insofar as I think Searle responds appropriately to Schank’s notion of ‘understanding’ by claiming it to be misguided. What I want to argue, or at least hint towards, is the idea that a computer program could itself provide the sufficient conditions for understanding in Searle’s sense; one could derive ‘intentionality’ and understanding from pure computational syntax. My notion of ‘understanding’ differs from Schank’s notion of it; I do not think that a computer must be able to answer questions about a story in order to be said to understand it. It seems trivially true to me that someone could understand something without being capable of explaining it. I would instead characterise understanding in a way similar to Searle’s; something involving intentional states and true semantic content. What I would argue is that the subjective qualitative state of understanding could be in principle be mimicked by a computer program as, while it may be semantic, it possess a form that may be reducible to syntax.[2] As it can be seen from my analysis, Searle is arguing that directedness of meaning or something akin to the form of a propositional attitude is what constitutes intentionality. If one posits that this form is what constitutes intentionality, then I would argue that it is conceivable that a highly complex programming language could replicate the form of this propositional attitude; one could create a ‘subjective/intentional programming language’. This would of course require not only a new programming language, but also a complete reconceptualization of what a program can be.
            One of the factors I am considering is the progress programs have made since the time when Searle wrote this article, and the predictable progress programs will make in the future, and just how that progress can factor into reconceiving one’s notion of what a program is. It would be a tad presumptuous, I would argue, to assume that the only way one could ever create understanding would be to add a robot to a computer program. This assumption presupposes a fixed notion of ‘program’ such that it only consists in syntax and that a robot would complement it by providing it with semantics. The seeming mutually exclusive nature of syntax and semantics, I would argue could be washed away in the future by a program that somehow consists of a logical language that could manipulate purely semantic content by mimicking its form as a symbol. Part of the form of semantic content could be intentionality, and I see it as within the scope of logic to formalise intentionality. While one could say that intentionality is inherently temporal and therefore could not be reduced to logic which is static system, I would argue that computers make logic temporal in some sense by giving it a medium in which it can change and grow. I am not arguing that such a language exists currently- I am simply claiming that, in the same way Schank was misguided in his conception of ‘understanding’, the way in which programs are defined could be misguided and limiting.
            In conclusion, my analysis has shown that Searle presents a purported knockdown against what he calls ‘strong AI’ insofar as he claims to have demonstrated that mere symbol manipulation is not sufficient for understanding. I have also considered the ‘robot reply’ and the ‘combinations reply’ and argued that a program could fulfill the sufficient conditions of understanding purely by virtue of syntax insofar as the form of understanding could be seen as a complex but implementable logical form.

Work Cited:

Haugeland, John. Mind design II. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997. Print.

Lafave, Sandy. Westvalley College Philosophy Department. The Chinese Room Argument and Replies to it. http://instruct.westvalley.edu/lafave/Notes_on_AI.html .  28/02/07. Web.

[1] Gedenkenexperiment is a German phrase equivalent to the English phrase ‘thought-experiment’.
[2] By syntax I mean something like a genetic syntax; in the same way that language can be seen as acting out of a Universal Grammar and reducible to a formal syntactic structure, propositional attitudes like ‘ a believes x’, ‘a understands x’, and ‘x said z about x’ could be conceivably be reduced to such a structure. Such a structure would also have to include the inherent ‘mineness’ subjectivity possesses as well; the intuition that one has dominion over their subjective state.

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